Wondering how to stop your toddler from putting their fingers in their mouth? Here are 6 products to help stop thumb sucking.

Desperate to figure out how to keep your toddler from putting their fingers in their mouth?
If you have a toddler anything like mine, then you have a die-hard little thumbsucker on your hands.
At the ripe old age of *2 weeks* (lol), he discovered his little thumb and was HOOKED EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. thereafter.
The closer he was to becoming a toddler, the more frequently he sucked his thumb.
The next thing I knew, he was officially sucking his thumb for almost the entirety of the day.
Eventually, he got old enough that we would pull his thumb from his mouth. But he’d just immediately pop it right back in.
So we had to resort to other measures to break him of this habit. A habit that we did not want to extend into his preschool years and surely not into adulthood.
**Side Note – I have a 38-year-old cousin who still sucks his thumb. I did not want to see my child as a grown man thumbsucker!**
Here are some of the amazing products available to wean your child off of thumb sucking.
This post is all about how to stop toddler from putting their fingers in their mouth.
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How To Stop Toddler From Putting Their Fingers In Their Mouth:
1. TGuard Aero Thumb
The TGuard Aero Thumb treatment kit provides a sizing chart to help you determine and select the best fit for your child’s thumb.
You can also change the wristband color (30 colored bands are included in the kit).
The device secures onto the thumb and is reportedly capable of breaking the thumb sucking habit in less than 30 days.
2. Thumb Handaid
The Thumb Handaid is regarded as having a 99% success rate with breaking the thumb sucking habit.
Because of this, 70% of its referrals come directly from Pediatricians and Pediatric Dentists.
The downside is that it is super expensive compared to other alternatives.
This device (along with other product options to stop thumb sucking) can be found on kidshandaid.com in a 1-pack or a 2-pack and can’t be removed by the child.
3. The Nipit Hand Stopper
This elbow wrap known as the Nipit Hand Stopper works by preventing your toddler from being able to bend their arm to the point that they can extend their thumb into their mouth.
It is available in either a pack of 1 or 2 depending on whether or not you need to block them from access to both thumbs, or perhaps you just need one replaced, or they have only one dominant thumb they prefer to suck.
4. Mavala Stop Deterrent Nail Polish Treatment
Apply this bitter nail enamel to your child’s fingernails to discourage thumb sucking.
The polish also helps nails grow healthy and strong, but the bitter taste will repel the thumb sucking urge.
This particular product is only intended for use by children who are 3 years of age or older.
Younger toddlers won’t be able to try this remedy just yet.
5. Etsy Thumb Sucking Guard
This thumb sucking guard is a handmade partial glove that covers the thumb and wraps around the hand with soft and comfortable fabric.
It’s intended to be a tool that gently reminds your child NOT to suck their thumb.
It requires careful measurement of your child’s hand from the tip of their thumb to the bend in their wrist.
A precise measurement is required to ensure the glove is made with the right fit for your child.
You must also specify which hand or hands the guard is needed for and include a measurement of your child’s wrist as well in the “personalization” section. (This is the ONLY function of the “personalization” section – it’s just to record your child’s wrist measurement).
The option is available to select whatever closure will work most effectively for your child.
You can choose from velcro, button, or snap.
6. Etsy Thumb Sucking Guard MTO
This thumb sucking guard is made similarly to the Etsy thumb sucking guard mentioned above.
It is made-to-order with a wide variety of fabric designs (64 to be exact) to choose from, such as dragons or princesses, etc.
You also have the additional option to select a style.
You can choose from the standard thumb sucking guard style or the same style with a buckle attached to the wrist.
The buckle will help with keeping the guard more secure.
The personalization section is for your child’s specific measurements only.
I recommend trying whichever product or combination of products you think would work most effectively to deter your child’s desire to suck their thumb.
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